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作者: 時間:2010-09-20 01:39:26 閱讀:

  青紫{兔皮褥子-Chinchilla Rabbit Skin Plates

  草兔皮褥子-Hare Skin Plates

  家兔^褥子-Rabbit Head Plates

  |北山羊皮褥子-Northeast China Goat Skin Plates

  山|山羊皮褥子(白、s)-Shantung Goat Skin Plates (White, Mixed)

  家口山羊皮褥子-Kalgan Goat Skin Plates

  山羊q皮褥子-Plucked Goat Skin Plates

  剪d羊q皮褥子-Sheared Sheep Skin Plates

  挖花剪d羊q皮褥子-Designed Sheared Sheep Skin Plates

  ┭蚱と熳-Tibet Lamb Skin Plates

  寒羊皮褥子-White Slinksheep Skin Plates

  湖羊皮褥子-Chekiang Lamb Skin Plates

  狗皮褥子-Gou Pee Skin Plates

  草兔q皮褥子-Plucked Hare Skin Plates

  S羊皮褥子-Antelope Skin Plates

  山|胎牛皮褥子-Shantung Abortive Calf Skin Plates

  小毛狗皮褥子-Gou Pee Skin Plates, Short Hair

  讓曬菲と熳-Inner Mongolian Gou Pee Skin Plates

  挖花狗皮褥子-Gou Pee Sin Plates with Design

  挖花狗皮大毯褥子-Designed Gou Pee Skin Plates (Large Size)

  狗皮床毯-Gou Pee Bed Cover

  貍皮褥子(包括F、A|和|北地^)-Leopard Cat Skin Plates (Yun Kwei East China and Northeast China)

  拔九江貍皮褥子-Kiukiang Civet Cat Skin Plates, Plucked

  拔香貍皮褥子-Civet Cat Skin Plates, Plucked

  狐貍皮褥子-Fox Skin Plates

  西北狐貍皮褥子-Northwest China Fox Skin Plates

  ||狐貍皮褥子-Liao Tong Fox Skin Plates

  |西狐貍皮褥子-Liao Si Fox Skin Plates

  猸子皮褥子-Pahmi Skin Plates

  猸子q皮褥子-Plucked Pahmi Skin Plates

  旱H皮褥子(甘C、新、讓)-Marmot Skin Plates (Kansu, Sinkiang, Inner-Mongolia)

  青r皮褥子-Ching Yao (Palm Civet) Skin Plates

  Sr皮褥子-Huang Yao (Yellow-Throated Marten) Skin Plates

  黑r皮褥子-Hei Yao Skin Plates

  獾q皮褥子-Plucked Badger Skin Plates

  貉q皮褥子-Plucked Raccoon Skin Plates

  Rx皮褥子-Pony Skin Plates

  Rx皮材料褥子-Pony Pieces Skin Plates

  水貂皮褥子-Standard Mink Skin Plates

  元皮褥子-Kolinsky Skin Plates

  S狼皮(q)褥子-Weasel Skin Plates (Plucked)

  艾虎皮褥子-Fitch Skit Plates

  香鼠皮褥子-Laska Skin Plates

  灰鼠皮褥子-Squirrel Skin Plates

  松鼠皮褥子-Pine Squirrel Skin Plates

  麝鼠皮褥子(背、肚、^、人字型)-Muskrat Skin Plates (Back, Belly, Head,Chevron Made)

  各N麝鼠碎料褥子-Muskrat Pieces Skin Plates

  花鼠皮褥子-Buranduki Skin Plates

  涫篤と熳-Tree Squirrel Skin Plates

  S鼠皮褥子-Yellow Rat Skin Plates

  山鼠皮褥子-Mountain Rat Skin Plates

  彪鼠皮褥子-Leopard Rat Skin Plates

  羔^褥子-Lamb Head Plates

  山|羔T褥子(白、s)-Shantung Lamb Head Plates (White, MIxed)

  猾^褥子-Kid Head Plates

  猾^褥子(青、白、黑、s)-Tsining Kid Head Plates (Grey, White, Black, Mixed)

  石型青猾^褥子-Tsining Grey Kid Head Skin Plates, Diamond Shape

  羔腿褥子-Lamb Leg Plates

  山|羔腿褥子(白、s)-Shantung Lamb Leg Plates (White, Mixed)

  猾腿褥子-Kid Leg Plates

  猾腿褥子(青、白、黑、s)-Tsining Kid Leg Plates (Grey, White,Black, Mixed)

  人字型青猾腿褥子-Tsining Grey Kid Leg Plates, Chevron made

  A型青猾腿褥子-Tsining Grey Kid Leg Plates, Type A

  腿褥子-Cat Leg Plates

  脖褥子-Cat Neck Plates

  北京黑羔皮褥子(A型、B型)-Peking Black Lamb Skin Plates (Type A and B)

  貍子腿褥子-Leopard Cat Leg Plates

  貍子脖褥子-Leopard Cat Neck Plates

  貍子肚褥子-Leopard Cat Belly Plates

  青r腿褥子-Ching Yao Leg Plates

  Sr腿褥子-Huang Yao Leg Plates

  ┭蟯熱熳-Tibet Lamb Leg Plates

  羔耳褥子-Lamb Ear Plates

  羔脖褥子-Lamb Neck Plates

  羔胯褥子-Lamb Thigh Plates

  猸子腿褥子-Pahmi Leg Plates (Plucked and Unplucked)

  猸子脖褥子-Pahmi Neck Plates (Plucked and Unplucked)

  猸子^褥子-Pahmi Head Plates (Plucked and Unplucked)

  貉子腿褥子-Raccoon Leg Plates

  貉q脖褥子-Raccoon Neck Plates, Plucked

  香貍子脖褥子-Civet Cat Neck Plates (Plucked and Unplucked)

  各N兔皮材料褥子-Various Kinds of Rabbit Piece Skin Plates

  各N兔皮D案褥子-Various Kinds of Rabbit Skin Plates with Designs

  牦牛倨と熳-Baby Yak Skin PLates

  牦牛皮褥子-Yak Skin PLates

  牦牛q褥子-Yak Skin PLates, Plucked

  仿虎牛倨と熳-Calfskin Plates in imitation of Tigerskin Plates

  仿豹牛倨と熳-Calfskin Plates in imitation of Leopardskin Plates

  仿虎旱H皮褥子-Marmotskin Plates in imitation of Tigerskin Plates

  仿豹旱H皮褥子-Marmotskin Plates in imitation of Leopardskin Plates

  仿虎兔皮褥子-Rabbitskin Plates in imitation of Tigerskin Plates

  仿豹兔皮褥子-Rabbitskin Plates in imitation of Leopardskin Plates

  沙狐色兔皮褥子-Kit Fox Colour Rabbitskin Plates

  S狼色兔皮褥子-Weasel Colour Rabbitskin Plates

  仿貍子花兔皮褥子-Rabbit Skin Plates in imitation of Leopard Cat

  仿貍花兔皮褥子-Rabbit Skin Plates in imitation of Grey Cat

  仿S花兔皮褥子-Rabbit Skin Plates in imitation of Yellow Cat

  各N印花兔皮褥子-Various Kinds of Printed Rabbit Skin Plates

  漂白兔皮褥子-Bleached White Rabbit Skin Plates

  A|小山羊皮褥子-East China Kid Skin Plates

  d羊茬子皮挖花褥子-Short-wool Sheep Skin Plates with Gou Pee Skin or Cat Skin as Design

  d羊茬子皮褥子-Short-wool Sheep Skin Plates

  L毛兔皮褥子-Long Haired Rabbit Skin Plates
